ROI Business Advisors | About
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What is a Business Advisor?

As your business advisor we will guide you,  mentor you, and get you to do the things you need to do to bring your business to the next level.  We will take you out of your comfort zone to achieve what you have never been able to achieve before. Like a great sports coach, we will be there to guide you, monitor your progress, and celebrate your success with you… We will be with you every step of the way.


Today professional and Olympic athletes in every sport have coaches and advisors to help them bring their game to the next level, as do their competitors. In many successful businesses, both owners of companies and executives in large corporations have advisors to give them as much of a strategic advantage as possible. You deserve to have an advisor for your business too!


While MBA schools typically focus on what you need to know to succeed in the corporate world, when you work with ROI Business Advisors, you receive an entrepreneurial business education, making your business the beneficiary of your work.


Working with ROI Business Advisors prepares you with the knowledge, skills and experience in your own business, so you can succeed and thrive as an entrepreneur.


ROI Business Advisors will get you to think differently, take well-planned actions, resulting in a more successful business while you accelerate both your growth as a business person, and the growth of your business. The knowledge, skills and experience you gain can be used both in your current business, and in future businesses.


The Benefits of Working with ROI Business Advisors


Business owners with which have worked with us over the years have realized great improvement in:


Team/Energy – Your team will either energize you or drain you of energy. The net result is that you are either getting more accomplished in your business than in the past, or you are asking yourself if you should replace members of your team because they are costing you far more than their salaries. Often business owners have taken their teams as far as they believe they can take them. The owners don’t know what to do next to get their teams, and as a result their companies, to the level that they owners envision for their businesses.


Focus/Time – Either you are not sure what you need to do to bring your business to the next level, or you know what to do, but can’t seem to get you and/or your company to do it. You may have tried many different strategies, but nothing seems to work. You never seem to have enough time to get everything done that you need to get done.


Profit/Sales ­– You are just not making enough money from your business to pay all your bills at home. You could make more money working for someone else, but it would be in a job you just don’t want. Sales went down during the Great Recession, but still have not gotten back to previous levels.


ROI Business Advisors’ Mission:

The Mission of ROI Business Advisor is to help business owners and their businesses become more successful. We do this by helping them produce better ROIs in the areas of: making more money; working fewer hours; and the running the business with less stress.


ROI Business Advisors’ Vision:


The Vision of ROI Business Advisors is for New England to be the hub of the most successful businesses in the World, with ROI Business Advisors as their business coach. Every business with which we work becomes more successful than it has ever been, all while working with working with ROI Business Advisors.


Values of ROI Advisors:


Client Focus – Our primary focus is always to help clients and their businesses grow both in the short term and in the long term.  We always put our clients first.  We only partner with companies and people that will put our clients first.  That is our most important guiding principle in everything we do.


Commitment – We are always focused on doing what needs to be done to be successful.


Integrity – We are always 100% honest and truthful, keeping promises to everyone including ourselves.


Communication – Taking responsibility for all communication in which I am involved – both as sender and receiver of messages.


Learning – We are always learning, growing and exposing ourselves to as much information as possible, and learn everything we can about topics related to  business.  We also study other topics and apply those concepts to making businesses more effective and efficient.   We study all the businesses that we can to learn what makes each one successful.  We share our learnings with others.


Teamwork – We are all team players.  All our clients, teammates, suppliers, and fellow community members are teammates.


Balance – We balance work and fun.  We work to live, not just live to work.  Work should also be fun.  We believe that businesses should work for business owners, and that business owners should not only live for their businesses.


Purpose – We each have a purpose and help clients find or redefine their purpose.


Systems – We develop systems and processes whenever possible to save time, energy, stress and money.


Consistency – We continually strive to be consistent in all areas of our business and lives.


Quality – Our work is always of the highest quality.  We always work to bring an even higher level of quality in all that we do and create an environment where team members and clients are inspired to provide only quality work as well.  We work with businesses that are good or great at what they do, and we do not work with businesses that provide sub-par work. We consistently deliver results, meeting or exceeding goals


Mutually Beneficial Relationships – We develop and look to create only mutually beneficial relationships.  Everyone that deals with our team members benefits from doing so.


Vision – We have a vision for the future and share it with teammates and clients.  We help clients develop their own vision for their businesses and lives.


Congruence – We strive to be congruent in every way.  We never ask anyone to do anything we would not do ourselves.  We continually work to be as congruent as possible.

If the above sounds great to you, ROI Business Advisors may be just the right solution to take your business to the next level!